Comment history with dilligrout
Displaying 1 - 20 of 203 comments
Yeah it's tough to really find something you love to do. Especially with that pressure that you're going to end up doing that for the rest of your live O_O
Hahaha good! He deserves that.
Umm right now I'm just working and relaxing because my Spring semester starts the 24th. Kind of excited to go back to school because when I'm not at work, I'm sooo bored at the house and I kinda of miss it lol ; I don't know.. it's just not what I expected I guess lol. I think I'm gonna stick it out and then just do something else afterwards. Yeahhhh dude was a loser. I let him know how I felt ;) and if I see him outtt Imma throw my drank on him lmfao. How classy am I? haha. :D What have you been up tooo?
Oh haha yeah Facebook can be addicting. What's yours, so I can add you? :)
Why are you going to switch? Culinary classes sound like fun though.
Ahh what happened? Was some guy a jerk to you?
haha, it really has been a LONG time. I don't EVER get on here anymore. I'm always busy with facebook :P Nothing much really up here. I take Culinary classes.. but I think I'm going to switch lol. So indecisive. :/ Fed up with men for sure though.
Hi Rob! REALLY long time no talk. I've been great though, thanks for asking. How about yourself? Fill me in :D
Same here. Can't wait for spring.
I've haven't been up to much, really. Just the same. On Christmas break. How about yourself?
Haha happy new year to you too.
I've been decent. Cold, I hate winter blegh.
I don't really get on here much anymore. What have you been up to? Happy New year? lol.
Haha aw. I love that picture. So cute.
How have you been, Rob? :)
haha! I have a picture of this I found in a magazine tacked to my bedroom wall! :D lr_kuvrsjFZQA1qzayv5o1_500.jpg
Haha no, it's okay. I pretty much answer anything.
Oh my gosh 3pm? Wow the latest I've slept in was until noon lol. Is it because you stay up really late at night?
haha that was a bit personal lol forgive me!
This is the laziest I've been in months! I slept until 3pm today lol!
Aww. I hope things get better between you two.
Lul tbh, I've never had an ex. Never have had a bf >.
Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. Is your ex still confusing you?
Things suck as always I need a drastic change in life. I wish I could just up and skip this town it suckkkssss!
LOOOOOOL no, it's alright. Call me what you want ;D Things are alright. How about you?
hey skank how are you? lmfao SORRY! I've been calling all my friends skanks lately D:
I like my new username.. I've never changed it before so I thought I would try it out.. it was kinda confusing the first couple times I went to log in XD lol