Comment history with omgitzkimberly
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments
oh well you have to make sure you have your picture where you want it in step 19 before you press enter while you're still in your "transform" mode..
thanks for the help but i think i'll just forget about it. i might try it some other time. awesome tutorial though(:
have you tried doing this?: someone posted a comment on my tut saying this:
okay, so the way that I am able to select two layers at once is:
I hold down the Ctrl key and click on the lower layer of the two I want to select. While still holding down Ctrl,and with that layer selected, click on the layer above it (the other one you want to select), and move it down a little bit onto the other layer, but then back up. Release the Ctrl buttom and your mouse, and both layers should be selected :]
hope this helps some people
well did you follow my tut exactly?
or maybe it's because you have PS 6.0 & lots of people are havng trouble with my tuts because i have PS CS3 Extended...
for my Create A Collage of Photos From One Picture Tutorial, i used Photoshop CS3 Extended...