manny-the-dino (comments)
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Lol. Oh ok,not bad than xD. Haha yep!..Oh I suppose,but still xP..I remember,@ each dance,there were teachers watching us hehe...just so no "funny business" was made :P!
LMFAO HAHA THAT'S TRUT THOUGH xDD..aww,but you'd be a pretty gumball lol. Oh that would be pretty!..some nice white earrings would go well with the dress too(and the little slippers/shoes x3)!!! Hehe,aww I feel like drawing a dress lolz.
LMAO OOPS!..I think I just switched the subjects easily xD
Lol,was the hall big?!..not bad though ;D
Aw that's nice!..haha,our dances are in the cafeteris(yet again)..i dont get it though;why the cafeteria?! - -'
Hahaha,niicee xD!..Does it matter what color the dress should be?!
Haha really?! come lol?
(and lol,we had regualr dances in the gym,but i suppose the 8th gr dance was in the cafe because we were given food too xDD..oh idk!).
Lol..Keep a look out,that would be cool if you did go!..Lol take pics ;D
Hah,yes they do :P!..LMAO the dance took place in the Cafeteria wasn't bad;i didn't know our little ol cafe was that big though xP
YES THERE HAS TO BE!!!..OMG GO BUDDY GOOOOO xD(save yourself,haha)!..The pretty dresses,the music...the food(hehe)...It's a dream come true!!!
haha idk I just said that
i'm hungry.
And bored. Why am I awake.
OMFG I KNOW!!! no water..anywhere(well there was the water fountains but nahhhh ;P).
Lolz it probally is xD!
I KNOW!..I voted for the masque ball,but I believe it was all(or most) of the boys who didn't vote for it :P..which was messed up for the girls lol. The nice part was the music/dj was awesome,it was dark(with some lights on only lol),and to tell you the truth,it felt like a night in Manhattan xDDDD.
Hah,I wonder if there are any dance balls in the world left(my guess is the UK)..I would love to go to one,wouldn't you?!
lmao fffuuuuu
hahaha forget it den
ruin my plans and shit
Lolz xD
Hehe yeah.OMFG I KNOW!..Uh dehydrated much xD..but it was bad because we only had sodas :X..and I believe soda makes you even more thirstier xP
Haha aw that's cool stinks for everyone else,but you guys deserve it ;)
OH! did you have a theme for the dance?! LMAO we had a vote between A Night in Manhattan,or Mascarade Ball xP..of course A Night in Manhattan wasn't that bad lol.
I wonder how long it took you to figure that out. Anyway, my sister bit me and I'm bleeding but I'm too lazy to get a band-aid.
LMAO that's caring xDD..haha not bad. Last time I heard,people go off to a different location..uh last year the had the prom in a Hotel,but it was shut down cause they were too loud lol.After party though,I may be wrong,but people said they went to San Antonio xP..uh,no telling what they did(lol).
Aww that's sweet :D!!..Lol me and one of my bfs danced the whole dance XD,it was like non-stop(good times). The food was good,but it was mainly the drinks that ran out fast, haha XDD!
Lol I agree;Same here..good thing it was a Friday though,that means the weekend was to rest up xP
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL your mom knows what's gewd hahah
LOL i triple dog dare you to stay up intil 5am one day.
It's not like I'm failing or anything though. Hell, I'm already in advanced courses and I'm already qualified as a junior scholar. (see how snobby that sounds?)
We all have to get D's once in a while because if we don't, then we'll look like smartass, stuck-up, gloating bastards. *shrug*
haha no i dont know. i mean, i don't wanna go straight for his intestines nawmean
i'm so bored WHY ARE U NOT AWAKE
Welcome xD
Lolz..yeah!..Drives me crazy though cause I can't decide for the longest time xP
OH YEAH..that would be great! Proms are always fun..well highschool ones I hear lol. Did you have an afterparty?!
Ah I remember 8th grade dance...did you have a 8th grade dance?!
LMAO BUT REMEMBER,NOTE:dont dance in new highheels..they might just kill your feet xDD
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